How to Make Strategic Resolutions and Sustain Your Goals

Resolutions and the holiday season go hand in hand, which is something of a paradox. We binge during the holidays and then we’re supposed to suddenly commit to changing all of our bad habits. 

The statistic that most people give up on their resolutions before February is well known, and maybe it’s because of people making sudden changes to their lifestyle rather than small everyday changes.

After the winter holidays come a few other big seasonal milestones: Valentine’s Day, when you might want to look good for a loved one, and then before you know it spring has arrived and bikini season is right around the corner. Summer ends, and sure enough, we’re headed right back into Thanksgiving! Embracing healthy changes year-round can give you the confidence to tackle all these seasons, and head back into the next new year with a set of resolutions you know you can actually achieve.

Here are tips and tricks on how to stay balanced over the holiday season and beyond:

5 tips for staying balanced during holidays

  1. Don’t skip meals in anticipation of a big meal

  2. Be mindful of what you drink

  3. Propose group fitness activities like hiking, walking, yoga and games

  4. Take mental health breaks to reduce stress

  5. Prioritize sleep

5 tips for achieving resolutions the rest of the year

  1. Keep the big picture in mind

  2. Link the new habit you want to build to an old habit

  3. Do a little every day

  4. Track your progress

  5. Reward yourself

Forbes also suggests these new science-based approaches that might help with keeping resolutions.

  • Reduce stress - helps exert greater self-control

  • Talk to yourself - use self-talk to motivate and encourage yourself

  • Get exercise - boosts executive function and higher-level cognitive processing

  • Partner up - people you are with influence your ability to demonstrate willpower

  • Express empathy - considering your impact on others motivates your own choices

If you struggle with compulsions and one of your resolutions is to lose weight, consider working with a chef to curate meals that will help you reach your goal without compromising taste.


How To Stay On Track In The Depths Of The Holiday Season


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