How To Stay On Track In The Depths Of The Holiday Season

As the year begins, fueled by the joy of the holidays, many of us embark on ambitious resolutions. However, maintaining that initial motivation can be challenging. This leaves many of us wondering, how can we stay motivated throughout the year.

First, let's understand why resolutions fail. 

6 reasons people break their resolutions according to a fitness expert:

  1. Setting goals too high

  2. Not having accountability systems in place

  3. Lack of planning

  4. Quitting at the first sign of struggle

  5. Seeing things in black and white

  6. Focusing on the negative

According to a professional therapist, many people don’t stay motivated long enough or make more resolutions throughout the year. They do this because they lack proper planning, set goals that are too unrealistic (especially within a certain timeframe) or create new habits that aren’t personally meaningful.

To stay motivated throughout the year, try using this FEEL GOOD acronym:

Find the first step.

Energize your environment.

Enlarge your view.

Love yourself.

Get ready.

Obtain an optimistic viewpoint.

Overcome obstacles.

Discover determination.

For more motivation on how to stay balanced throughout the holiday season and beyond, consider working with a personal chef to outsource the task and reduce the risk of compulsions. 


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