I'm Lazy But Want To Eat Better: Lowering Food Waste While Increasing Nutrition

Embracing a sustainable diet not only benefits the planet but also contributes to our well-being. However, the convenience of heavily packaged fast food and the allure of processed options can hinder our transition to a more mindful eating routine. For those seeking a lazy yet impactful approach to sustainable eating, the journey begins with small, achievable steps. 

Despite good intentions, many individuals inadvertently contribute to environmental strain by relying on processed and heavily packaged foods, often sourced without consideration for their ecological impact. The key is recognizing that the shift toward sustainability need not be overwhelming. By embracing incremental changes, you can effortlessly align your diet with both your health and the well-being of the planet.

Harvard’s 5 simple tips for sustainable eating:

1. Prioritize eating plants

  • Helps reduce freshwater withdrawals 

  • Helps reduce deforestation

    2. Eat local

  • Reduces transport emissions

  • Allows you to learn more about the food you’re eating

    3. Try new seafood

  • Some species are at risk of being overfished

  • Some are produced in ways that harm the marine environment

    4. Eat less meat

  • Meat production is a substantial contributor to greenhouse gas emissions

  • Raising and transporting livestock requires more food, water, land, and energy than plants

    5. Eat mindfully

  • Helps focus on where food comes from

  • Paying attention to hunger signals can help you eat a more appropriate portion

If you are looking to outsource the task of working towards a more sustainable diet, consider getting matched with a personal chef to help you make the transition.


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