Understanding What You Are Feeding Your Family: Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Meat and Beyond

Ensuring the well-being of your family involves making informed choices, especially when it comes to the food they consume daily. In the realm of meat consumption, terms like “grass-fed” and “grain-fed” are frequently thrown around, but understanding their implications is crucial when prioritizing health.

Contrary to popular belief, the distinction between grass-fed and grain-fed meat isn’t always as vast as it seems. In some cases, these terms may even be employed primarily for marketing purposes, similar to the situation with chicken in Canada. Unravelling the complexities, it becomes evident that the feed composition for Canadian chickens, labelled as grain-fed, exceeds 85%, making such designations less informative and more of a marketing tactic.

In Canada, local beef faces challenges in maintaining a strictly grass-fed diet due to winter conditions. Contrarily, regions like Australia boast year-round grass growth, producing some of the world’s finest grass-fed beef. Similarly, the European Union offers grass-fed beef raised on pastures, enriching their diet with a diverse range of vegetation.

Grass-Fed Beef:



  • Higher cost.

  • Harder to find.

  • Worse for the environment due to importing.

  • Less flavourful, juicy and marbleized.

Grain-Fed Beef:


  • Widespread availability.

  • Enhanced flavour and juiciness.

  • Potential for local production, reducing environmental impact.


  • Less natural and healthy for cows.

  • Higher fat content.

The choice between grass-fed and grain-fed meats involves weighing various factors, from health benefits to environmental impact. By understanding the nuances of these terms and exploring reputable Canadian brands, families can make informed decisions that align with their values and contribute to the well-being of both consumers and the environment.

If you want to learn more about the importance of where you get your protein from, book an Easy Platter chef to source meat in a way that aligns with your values.


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