Healthy Minds: How Diet Impacts Cognitive Function and Productivity

Understanding the impact of diet on cognitive function is crucial for maintaining a healthy mind, especially as we age. While age is a factor beyond our control, the choices we make in terms of nutrition can significantly influence brain health and productivity.

Ways the brain changes as we age:

  • Multitasking becomes more difficult.

  • Decreasing ability to pay attention.

  • Parts of the brain shrink including those important to learning.

Research suggests that adults adhering to a high-quality diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, and avoiding heavy alcohol consumption experience better brain health and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Links between diet and cognitive function:

  • Low glycemic index foods seem to improve attention, memory and functional capacity.

  • Fatty acids are associated with better memory capacity and lower risk of cognitive deterioration.

  • Certain vitamins improve intellectual performance.

  • Antioxidants defend against mental deterioration and improve cognition.

5 Harvard-approved foods linked to better brainpower

  1. Green leafy vegetables

  2. Fatty fish

  3. Tea and coffee

  4. Berries

  5. Walnuts

Acknowledging the relationship between diet, cognitive function, and productivity empowers individuals to make informed choices for a healthier mind. By prioritizing brain health through a well-balanced diet, we can actively contribute to our cognitive well-being, regardless of age. Looking to implement healthy eating habits to maintain cognitive function and productivity? Consult with an Easy Platter chef today.


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