Is Your Meal Kit Starving You?

Meal kits have revolutionized the way we approach home cooking, promising an end to food waste with precisely measured ingredients. However, the pursuit of sustainability may inadvertently impact portion sizes, leaving some users wondering if their meal kit is genuinely fulfilling their nutritional needs.

Know your caloric requirements:

It’s important to know how many calories you need personally in your meals. Ever thought meal kit portions look small? That’s because they are. It might help with eradicating food waste, but a typical meal kit serving can be half of what you’d normally eat to deliver a specific number of meals in a pack. It’s ok if you’re a lighter eater, but meal kits can mean double checking to make sure they’ve got the calories you personally need.

Assessing consistency and transparency:

Meal kit customers have complained about red meat portion sizes being cut by a full 100 grams without notice. The company apparently responded to questions about this saying some people said there was actually “too much food” in the packs, and wasn’t able to comment on whether savings from the smaller portions would be passed on.

Ensuring adequate ingredients:

Of course, you can’t make a recipe where key ingredients are spoiled, but sometimes sadly even when meal kit ingredients are in great shape, there simply aren’t enough of them. Some people have spoken out online about inadequate ingredient portions to complete a meal kit’s recipes.

So my meal kit is starving me! What’s the solution?

  • Accept you sometimes might not get what you want

  • Switch meal kit services

  • Do your own weekly meal prep

  • Make meal kit recipes, but buy your own ingredients

  • Book a personal chef who can ensure adequate portions and nutrition

There is a cost to everything. Accessing all options available to you is a good starting point to see what works best for your family. There might be trial and error and a period of adjustment but prioritizing your family’s health will always be worth the time.


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