Culinary Excellence in Your Own Kitchen: Why Personal Chefs Are The New Norm

Personal chefs might seem like they’re only ever a part of the lofty lifestyle of the rich and famous, totally out of place in a regular home kitchen. 

Yet, more and more ordinary people are turning to personal chefs once they weigh the factors of affordability and efficiency.

It’s been shown that mothers who work outside the home still spend just as much time taking care of kids as stay-at-home mothers did in the 1970s, but many of us still live our lives based on a model where only one parent is working. Employed mothers have on average five hours more per week of total workload than employed fathers. They also have almost 19 hours more per week than homemaker mothers.

A lot of the principles of homemaking are also based on religious beliefs that many couples and parents no longer live by.

Almost 25 years into this new century, let’s forge ahead with a new normal that breaks down the barriers between what’s “for fancy, rich people” and what can actually save us time and money while reducing stress.

Discover how you can book a personal chef for the price of an expensive takeout meal.


What is the difference between a personal chef and a private chef?


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