How do I reschedule my upcoming meal prep?

Step 1: Click ‘Bookings’ on the top menu bar.

Click 'Bookings' on the top of the menu bar

On the homepage, select the ‘Bookings’ tab on the top of the screen.

Step 2: Select the booking you would like to reschedule.


Under ‘Bookings’, select the booking you would like to reschedule.

Step 3: Click on ‘Edit Booking’ on the side menu bar.

On the right hand side, select ‘Edit Booking’.

Step 4: Choose the date to reschedule.

On the calendar popup, select the date you would like to reschedule.

Step 5: Select reschedule.

On the right hand side of the popup, select reschedule.

Step 6: Request new date and time.

On the popup, select the new date and time.

Step 7: Confirm request.

Once submitted, you will receive a notification confirming your request.