Why Halifax's Healthcare System Would Benefit By Subsidizing Meal Prep Assistance

Halifax’s healthcare system is facing a plethora of issues right now, and it’s time to take a hard look at creative new ways to not only fix our systems, but fix our health in general.

Issues facing Nova Scotia’s healthcare system

  • Burnt out physicians

  • Nurse shortages

  • Full emergency rooms

  • Some of the longest wait times for treatment in the country

While these are just some of the issues that desperately need to be fixed by healthcare reform, there’s also a lot that could be done to reduce the need for people to go into the healthcare system in the first place. By teaching the population to take care of itself, the pressure on the healthcare system could potentially be reduced.

As we can see, proper nutrition is key to health, and steps like subsidizing meal prep assistance could go along way towards helping the population live healthier lives. Meal planning has been associated with a healthier diet and less obesity, which are already some of the main ways to avoid common health issues/doctor visits. According to a registered dietitian, "Planning meals and snacks ahead of time increases the chance for success, it increases the likelihood a healthier food choice will be made."

As Halifax's healthcare system explores innovative approaches to addressing its challenges, investing in preventive measures like subsidizing meal prep assistance emerges as a promising strategy. By promoting healthier eating habits and empowering individuals to take control of their health, such initiatives have the potential to yield significant long-term benefits for both individuals and the healthcare system as a whole.

While systemic changes may take time to implement, individuals can take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle by prioritizing nutrition and meal planning. If meal planning sounds right for you, here’s a handy guide from Harvard outlining some of the first steps you can take.

If you are looking to outsource the task and receive healthy meals in return - check out Easy Platter for meal prep assistance. 


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