The Importance of Taking Time to Eat: A Lesson from Cynthia’s Busy Day

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s not uncommon to rush through meals to keep up with our fast-paced schedules. Have you ever considered the impact this may have on your health? Let’s take a look at Cynthia’s day, a busy woman navigating the challenges of a hybrid work environment.

Cynthia’s day:

8:50 am: Eat overnight oats that were prepared the night before

9:00 am: Begin work

12:00 pm: Grab soup and a sandwich from a nearby cafe

12:10 pm: Eat lunch while working

5:00 pm: End work

5:45 pm: Make pasta for dinner

6:00 pm: Eat dinner while watching TV

6:10 pm: Finish eating dinner

In her quest for efficiency, Cynthia spends a mere 25 minutes preparing her meals and about 30 minutes actually consuming them. While this may seem like a time-saving win, it prompts the question: is she doing herself a disservice?

3 common issues busy people have with meals according to Canada’s Food Guide:

  1. Eating while distracted or multitasking

  2. Not setting aside time to plan and eat meals

  3. Eating quickly

Contrary to popular belief, eating quick, short meals can have detrimental effects on our health, leading to issues such as bloating, gas, heartburn, and even weight gain.

Eating quickly

  • Can cause weight gain due to the body not being able to process feeling full fast enough

  • Can cause bloating and gas due to swallowing more air

Eating slowly

Efficiency is undoubtedly important, but not at the expense of our health. Cynthia’s day serves as a reminder that dedicating time to meals is crucial for overall well-being. By avoiding distractions, setting aside time for meal planning, and adopting a slower eating pace, we can promote better digestion, nutrient absorption, and ultimately, a healthier lifestyle. For more insightful tips on mindful eating, refer to Canada’s food guide and prioritize your well-being with every bite.

Don’t have time to prioritize meal prep? Check out Easy Platter’s solution to eating well for busy people.


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