Reducing Food Waste: Tips And Tricks For A Greener Kitchen

Food waste is an important issue to tackle on a large scale, especially here in Canada where about 20% of methane emissions come from landfills

There’s a lot we can do on a small scale in our own homes as well though, as about 14% of all food waste in Canada actually happens in the household.

5 tips and tricks for reducing food waste at home from Feed It Forward:

1. Plan ahead

  • Think about exactly what you need to make your next few meals as you write your shopping list

  • Check your fridge before going out to make sure you’re not doubling up

  • Stick to your list at the store and avoid overbuying or impulse buying

* bonus - this also saves money!

2. Store food properly

  • Keep fridge under 40 degrees

  • Store fruits and veggies in separate bins

  • Freeze items like excess produce

  • Finish what will go bad first

3. Stay mindful while eating out

  • Take leftovers home for later

4. Understand expiration dates

5. Don’t waste

  • Make broth, soup or juice

  • Use for compost in the backyard or community garden

Reducing food waste may seem challenging and time-consuming, but avenues like hiring a personal chef can simplify the process. Easy Platter personal chefs offer a unique fridge clean-out option, where a chef transforms potential scraps and unused food items into delectable meals, preventing them from ending up in the trash.


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