Pot Luck Presented By World Leaders: Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, and Prince Charles

Pot lucks: you’ve likely been to one, a feast where everyone contributes a dish and shares, usually loaded up with all kinds of different favourites from each guest at the party.

But what if the pot luck you were going to was attended by some of the most famous leaders in the world?

In a piece about what politicians like to eat, the Globe wrote, “What's your favourite food? It's the simplest of questions, but the answer - or lack thereof - can reveal a lot about a person. After all, as the saying goes, you are what you eat.”

Let’s see if we can find out anything about some of the world’s biggest figureheads from what they like to eat:

Justin Trudeau

  • Asian food

  • Sushi

  • Beer 

Joe Biden

  • Ice cream

  • Sandwiches

  • Pizza

  • Cookies

  • Spaghetti

  • Gatorade 

King Charles

  • Mostly plant-based meals

  • Eggs

  • Risotto

  • Pheasant pie

  • Scotch

  • Martinis

These diets paint pictures of three very different men, but we can see they all like at least a bit of indulgence in their lives, whether it’s King Charles balancing out his plant-based diet with heartier meals or Joe Biden’s favourite ice cream. 

So welcome - enjoy this potluck of sushi, ice cream, and eggs... maybe stay at home next time? World leaders' (hypothetical) potluck preferences not only offers a peek into their personal lives but also underscores the rich tapestry of human connection that transcends political borders.

If you are ever invited to a potluck and your cooking skills don’t go beyond ice cream, have someone else prepare your contribution for you (but still take all the credit). Book an Easy Platter chef to prepare a dish that is sure to impress your guests.


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