My Grocery Prices Are Stuck In 2020

In today's challenging economic climate, many individuals are seeking innovative ways to cut down on expenses, and one strategy gaining popularity is extreme couponing.

Dee is one half of the “Coupon Couple” on TikTok showing ways to save big using outrageous couponing to get clever deals. In one video, she shows off how she managed to snag an entire cart loaded with groceries for just four cents. She’s been written up for figuring out how to save a whopping $9,000 on groceries per year.

Here are Dee’s 3 steps to start couponing in Canada

  1. Pick a grocery store with a rewards program and price-matching.

  2. Start collecting coupons, keeping track of when new ones come out (usually monthly).

  3. Use online apps for coupons and cashback as well as websites.

*Bonus tip: keep coupons organized using a system like a binder.

Dee's dedication to couponing is admirable, but it's essential to strike a balance between financial savings and nutritional well-being. While coupons can undoubtedly lead to significant cost reductions, relying solely on ultra-processed foods may have adverse effects on one's health. As demonstrated by Dee's approach, finding ways to use coupons for both processed and healthier items, such as bread and milk, can help maintain a balanced and sustainable approach to grocery shopping.

We can also see that aside from the produce box, her four-cent haul mainly includes processed items like Cheerios, veggie stock and Tostitos rather than fresh, whole foods, which we know are healthier for us. While we’re all keen to save money, especially during these current times, it’s important to remember like Dee that you can’t survive off ultra-processed foods like KD alone, as the cost both financially and health-wise could end up being more than you ever bargained for.

Don’t have time for couponing? Check out Easy Platter’s recipes and start planning your weekly menu ahead of time. Use the same ingredients over multiple recipes to get the most out of your grocery order.


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