Honey I Shrunk Chicken: The Declining Portion Sizes in Meal Kits

Shrinkflation: it’s everywhere these days, seemingly affecting almost everything we eat. If you’re not familiar with the term, shrinkflation is when companies shrink portion sizes without changing the purchase price to manage rising costs.

Shrinkflation is also seeping into the meal kit industry, with consumers starting to take notice that the sizes of what they’re receiving aren’t what they used to be. One disappointed chef took to Reddit to air their concerns. 

5 issues they had with shrinkflation in their meal kits

  1. Portion sizes have decreased

  2. Lettuce portion was around five ounces for two people

  3. Chicken breast was smaller than the palm of their hand

  4. Small flatbreads

  5. Eat the meal and then have to eat something else because they’re not full

All of this even resulted in the chef wanting to go so far as to cancel their subscription. Unfortunately, meal kits aren’t the only place where shrinkflation can hit. It’s present at the grocery store too, so in order to avoid it you need to pay attention.

3 tips for avoiding shrinkflation and saving money at the grocery store

  1. Don’t buy purely because of a certain brand or familiar look.

  2. Compare unit prices and seek out the best deal.

  3. Make a grocery list ahead of time and stick to it.

Another tip is to choose recipes that use similar ingredients to avoid having to purchase multiple ingredients you will only use once (ex. spices). Check out Easy Platter and their menu planner to cut down on your grocery bill.


Breaking Down Meal Kit Boxes: How We Have Lost Control As A Society


The Ethical Dilemmas of Meal Kits: Labor Practices and Food Sourcing