Green Light: The Intersection Of Health And Sustainability

A sustainable environment doesn’t just go hand in hand with good health – it’s required for it. There’s evidence to support that we can cut greenhouse gas emissions while furthering global health progress.

Living in a healthy environment has actually been recognized as a human right, the United Nations Human Rights Council has taken stronger action on environmental challenges to protect human rights.

3 environmental risks linked to 23% of all deaths:

  1. Air pollution

  2. Water contamination 

  3. Chemical exposure

6 reasons a sustainable environment is linked to human health according to the UN:

  1. Destruction of wild spaces facilitates diseases jumping from animal to human

  2. Air pollution lowers life expectancy

  3. Biodiversity loss compromises food’s nutritional value

  4. Biodiversity loss also reduces the efficacy of medicines

  5. Pollution creates many health issues

  6. Climate change introduces additional risks like increased pandemics

Being cautious of your environment and what you put in your body is key to living a long and healthy life. If you are looking to narrow in on what you are feeding you and your family, consider getting matched with an Easy Platter chef and take full control of the ingredients you consume.


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